Easy BMI Calculator

Combined BMI Calculator

Combined BMI Calculator

Normal BMI values for Different Age Groups

Age Group Male BMI (Normal) Female BMI (Normal) Remarks
18–24 19–24.9 18.5–23.9 Younger adults
25–34 20–25.9 19–24.9 Moderate age BMI changes
35–44 21–26.9 20–25.9 Aging affects body fat
45+ 22–27.9 21–26.9 Higher BMI may still be healthy

BMI Chart

Body Mass Index (BMI) Chart

BMI (Body Mass Index) helps measure body fat based on height and weight. Here, we provide a simple table and a visual representation to help you understand BMI ranges for different categories.

BMI Formula:
BMI = Weight (kg) ÷ [Height (m)]²
No need to calculate manually! Check the table or graph below for quick insights.
Category BMI Range General Health Status
Underweight < 18.5 At Risk
Normal Weight 18.5 - 24.9 Healthy
Overweight 25 - 29.9 At Risk
Obesity (Class 1) 30 - 34.9 Moderate Risk
Obesity (Class 2) 35 - 39.9 High Risk
Extreme Obesity ≥ 40 Very High Risk